My canon dslr.

This blog is about my journey of learning to get onto the creative side of my canon camera. I have also started a challenge with my 3 sisters to post 4 photos a week, we each take turns to pick our theme, I also have started a photo a day for the month of January with a group on the internet.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter fog

 Easter Monday was so gorgeous and foggy, got up early and took these photos of the bush behind us.
 The dew on this tree looks like glitter.

 And this one the "Rose of Sharon "shrub was close to me with the fog in the background.
 And off course some early morning webs.

Some of them are like strings of Pearls.


  1. you know i was named after this hibucus rose of sharon your photos are very haunting

  2. These are lovely sis. Particularly like the cobweb and the photo with the dewdrops on.
