My canon dslr.

This blog is about my journey of learning to get onto the creative side of my canon camera. I have also started a challenge with my 3 sisters to post 4 photos a week, we each take turns to pick our theme, I also have started a photo a day for the month of January with a group on the internet.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wabi- Sabi

The word Wabi-Sabi is cropping up alot to me lately, look up the meaning ( I had to )


  1. Wabi Sabi is the Japanese philosophy that embraces the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent and incomplete. It is a beauty of things modest and humble. I think that applies to all us sisters.

  2. I think you looked up the same page as me for the meaning, kind off nice aye.

  3. a beautiful philosophy, thanks for putting it up Paddy, I didn't get around to looking up the meaning. I love a lot of Japanese art and culture and it is on my bucket list to go there
