My canon dslr.

This blog is about my journey of learning to get onto the creative side of my canon camera. I have also started a challenge with my 3 sisters to post 4 photos a week, we each take turns to pick our theme, I also have started a photo a day for the month of January with a group on the internet.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Two of mine.

 Blossoms.   Isn't Spring the best season apart from Autumn


I added this one as he looks like hes standing on the wood fence.


  1. Peter and I love your horse eye especially the second one as it is the same tone of color. You are right it does look as though the horse is on the fence. Like the second blossom as well as has that nice blurred background.

  2. love them all good thinking love the horses parts

  3. the two images of horses eyes are the same horse, just left and right eyes.
