My canon dslr.

This blog is about my journey of learning to get onto the creative side of my canon camera. I have also started a challenge with my 3 sisters to post 4 photos a week, we each take turns to pick our theme, I also have started a photo a day for the month of January with a group on the internet.

Friday, March 2, 2012

more randon shots.

 The sky tonight at about 6.30 pm.
 I think this was the best crackling I have ever made, its pork belly and ( thank you Karen for your tips ) I boiled it in water in the frying pan rind down first, to get a start on the rind, then after cooking it was still abit soft so I stuck it under the grill,   I know you probally all have done that before but cooking is not my forte.

 I have fancied some of these cool gumboots for sometime now, so for 20 % off,  they were mine, as a kid I loved our black gumboots, until we got them wet and muddy.
You gotta tuck your dress into your pants when you do the watering, or playing hopscotch.

1 comment:

  1. love the gumboots, remember that song, if it weren't for your gumboots where would you be, indeed! that pork crackling just makes my mouth water. Missed that sunset, damn!!! great photo
